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MisterRamon (275709)
Joined 2023-12-14
Sic semper tyrannis
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Cherries in MILF
1 up, 2mo
I wish she WOULD!!!
'God' Sanctioned Child Rape in Real_Politics
1 up, 3mo
Careful, now...the so-called "Pro_Israel_Coalition" stream says it is a GOOD religion.
In 1933 they probably would have said, "Yeah, he talks a lot against us...but his mustache reminds me of Charlie Chaplin, so he CAN'T be evil".
Tbh satanism is not a religion (ada: it is, but not a good one. 100% agree wi'cha) in Jewish-Memes
1 up, 3mo
How is "the religion of peace" NOT satan worship?
Iraq wants to make it legal to rape 9 year old girls because the 'prophet" did it.
Wake up!
Friend? in FirearmFriendly
0 ups, 3mo