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MeMyself3 (32)
Joined 2016-09-12
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Her being a science teacher, I honestly hope she gets fired for this. in fun
1 up, 9y
It's's either atheist...or religious. Nobody can seem to keep their own stuff to themselves. Both groups seemingly thing their way is the only way...just keep it to the facts we think we understand. Throughout history mankind has been wrong before with what we thought was fact - and continue to do so, despite our arrogance. Liberals have become they very thing they claim to hate, and Conservatives have become to polarized as opposed to a common sense approach...both camps are beyond redemption. Loving the tenure when it's 'your side' but not the other? Solution is simple: GET RID OF IT. Pay for performance like any other job. You suck? You're FIRED. End of story and everyone lived miserably ever after.