It's not about freedom. It's about not putting others in potential danger. And for a free country, there seems to be a lot of "get the hell out if you don't hold the same thoughts and beliefs that I do." And don't pretend that you would pull the 'freedom card' if a group was burning the American flag. I know you people to be colossal hypocrites.
Me, not being a sociopath or an idiot, would see the potential danger in inviting extremists to attack a campus. You wanna burn a flag? Go at it. Just don't be selfish morons and endanger others along with you. If I made a statement by burning a flag and an extremist came to my school and murdered people, I would have a great deal of remorse and guilt. But I'm just strange like that.
Not sure if you're another sociopath willing to overlook the devastation caused by the unfettered presence of guns in this country, or an ammosexual. Oh wait. Same thing. Silly me.