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Mad-Hatter (3519)
Joined 2015-08-22
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Idiotic College Students Burning ISIS Flag in fun
1 up, 9y
It's not about freedom. It's about not putting others in potential danger. And for a free country, there seems to be a lot of "get the hell out if you don't hold the same thoughts and beliefs that I do." And don't pretend that you would pull the 'freedom card' if a group was burning the American flag. I know you people to be colossal hypocrites.

Me, not being a sociopath or an idiot, would see the potential danger in inviting extremists to attack a campus. You wanna burn a flag? Go at it. Just don't be selfish morons and endanger others along with you. If I made a statement by burning a flag and an extremist came to my school and murdered people, I would have a great deal of remorse and guilt. But I'm just strange like that.
#BlackLivesMatter means just that in fun
0 ups, 9y
Clearly you haven't taken note of the criminal justice system, prison system, and the trigger happy policemen and civilians.
#BlackLivesMatter means just that in fun
0 ups, 9y
And I say, how does one devalue the other?
Liberal Logic in fun
2 ups, 9y
Not sure if you're another sociopath willing to overlook the devastation caused by the unfettered presence of guns in this country, or an ammosexual. Oh wait. Same thing. Silly me.