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Lukep_LP (17906)
Joined 2019-06-17
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fortnite burger in fortnite
1 up, 4y
bro, just stop with the “i mAke mOre mOney tHan yOu, iM olDer” bro dont try to pull that Lmao. Someone who has a job and makes money has enough life experience to know how to spell.
fortnite burger in fortnite
1 up, 4y
Also, I don’t get how threatening to kill someone’s non existant cat is considered a “roast”
fortnite burger in fortnite
1 up, 4y
that grammar doesn’t do much support to your arguement anyway.
fortnite burger in fortnite
1 up, 4y
Besides, your british asses lost to some rebellious yanks on a bridge so...
fortnite burger in fortnite
1 up, 4y
bro quit acting like you got somewhat balls because clearly you’re an underage edgy kid who curses at people on the internet to sound cOoL. “Atleast I make Money” LMAO sure bud.