Why would it be bad to like fortnite?
It's a great game, but there are a surprising amount of people who hate the game for no reason (or just because they're bad) but don't let them get under you skin
bro, just stop with the “i mAke mOre mOney tHan yOu, iM olDer” bro dont try to pull that Lmao. Someone who has a job and makes money has enough life experience to know how to spell.
1 up, 4y
lmao, what are we in 2018! you f**king dumbass if you want a good gaming expirance play minecraft, COD or terraria
Your such a child using gay as a comeback there is nothing wrong with being gay I live in a house fyi my mom is actually happy with my dad so f**k off you retarded redditor go cock ride dream or some shit i dont care.
1 up, 4y
i dont need to hear your go***mn life story you amirican
bro quit acting like you got somewhat balls because clearly you’re an underage edgy kid who curses at people on the internet to sound cOoL. “Atleast I make Money” LMAO sure bud.
my guy tryna sound all tough behind his mom’s old iphone 7, but he’d be too scared to say sh*t in person. Funny to watch, can’t wait til he replies with another squeaky toxic reply.
1 up, 4y
your really taking to me in such disrespect when i am proply older than you and make way more money than you