I have been working since 1997. I have worked with and for people from all walks of life. From my experiences and observations the only thing that separates people is their natural talents and how much work they are willing to put in. There is a spectrum ranging from rhose who cannot or will not work, to those that can work the same ammount as 4 other people. Society is best when those that are willing to put maximum effort into their work are motivated and rewarded, and Capitalism does that. Socialism and Communism suck those people dry, while rewarding the people who are unwilling to work. Once those top workers stop producing, everyone else suffers. It happened in Ukraine in the 1930s, it happened in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1600s it happens everywhere Socialism and Communism is tried. I hope one day you can see through all the nonsense that is beimg fed to you and you can put your time and energy into improving yourself instead of wasting it with a cause that has proven to be destructive.
Property ownership is not guaranteed, nor is it guaranteed to keep and maintain that property. All property requires a minimum amount of labor just to keep it from decaying. Labor only comes from those willing to do it, or being forced to do it. If you can't do the labor yourself you have to get others to do it. People do not willingly do labor, especially for some else's benefit, unless properly motivated. Outside of helping a friend or family, that motivation in Capitalism comes in compensation for the labor.
There is no property owning class or working class. Class structure is an archaic societal division from societies with aristocracy. We are already in a classless society in the US because we have no aristocracy. People can become wealthy or lose their wealth by working or not working, that is the only dividing line.
I can change my income, and have many times over my lifetime. I could greatly increase it if I put more work in. There is no ruling class in Capitalism, only disparities in wealth. The ammount of wealth, income, earnings is not guaranteed for anyone, nor is it guaranteed to be kept at any level. There are plenty of stories of people starting out with little and making millions, and plenty of stories of people who made millions losing it all.