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Kerge (61824)
Joined 2015-01-06
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Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 3y
They aren't being held responsible because we (Fauci) funded it. Made in China with U.S. funding, both should be held accountable. But the U.S. (current administration) covers for Fauci (after he lied under oath to Congress about it).
So does the rest of the world go after China and the U.S. at the same time? No way in hell they will. And we won't go after China cause we funded them. And China won't go after the U.S. cause they allowed it to happen on their soil. Can't go after one without going after the other. Very disheartening.
Never Forget... in politics
3 ups, 3y
Here are 3 examples, there are many more:
Never Forget... in politics
1 up, 3y
I agree with you to a point. If a riot just spontaneously happens, then yes, the local police are not staffed or equipped to stop it.
However, some areas had a riot almost daily for months on end. Specialized units and the National Guard are there for just such occasions. Case in point on Jan 6th, they called out the National Guard to guard the capitol. But they never activated the Guard when cities across the country burned for months and months and months on end. And yet they used specialized units to clear out places like churches and barber shops. So going to a barbershop for a haircut or a church to worship must be stopped, but riots for months on end are just fine and okay?
Anyone with a brain could see this coming a mile away in politics
0 ups, 3y
No, he never actually said his VP had to be a black woman.

He said that we didn't want a white male and that he wanted "someone who was of color and/or a different gender". In another speech he stated "I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a, pick a woman to be vice president,".

So the VP had to be female and a person of color (person of color is someone who is not white. So could have been Black, Latino, Asian, etc).
Was Trump Right All Along? in politics
0 ups, 4y
If we shouldn't require ID's for voting cause it's so hard for people to obtain them, then let's not require ID's for anything else. Plain and simple.

If you require ID's for things like getting on airplanes, getting a vaccine, getting a loan, then it's okay to also require to vote.

If it's not okay for voting then abolish needing an ID for everything else. Because remember, minorities can't get / have a hard time getting an ID. I can't imagine how hard it is for them to never have been on a plane, never be able to get a vaccine, never be able to get a loan, never be able to get a car or a house or a credit card or a bank account.

Oh wait, people have no problem getting an ID for those things but then magically don't have one for voting.

Remember, if you can't get one for one thing then you shouldn't need one for everything else.