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ItsasecretToeveryone (123839)
Joined 2022-11-10
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My grandad says it all the time (he fried his balls peeing on an electric fence) in fun
0 ups, 9mo
It occurred to me that i should stop nerds from trying to expose me. He didn't literally fry his balls. It's hyperbole for continuously zapped himself by urinating on shock fence
Change My Mind in fun
0 ups, 10mo
Sure, but then comes the claim that the judges are patriarchal misogynistic pigs that are limiting women's potential.
I bet this one gets 25 too in fun
0 ups, 10mo
Do you have any idea how hard it was to dig out of there?
I bet this one gets 25 too in fun
1 up, 10mo
Because genius is subjective, just look at people who think the earth's a globe. Oh god i feel physically sick. It was a joke. I don't actually have the iq of a lobotomized guppy! No flat earth!
yup :33 in fun
0 ups, 10mo
I prefer broiling. Roasting makes their meat taste a bit oh wait that's not what you meant.