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ItCanBeDone (77774)
Joined 2018-09-30
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Roll Safe Think About It in politics
3 ups, 3y
Almost 2 years now, and I’ve been all over in many different public places and 99% of the time I’m unmasked and no mRNA gene therapy treatment either… So when can I expect to be hospitalized and die from this rona? With the survival rate so high at 99.7% I can expect it to happen sometime between never and never. The silver lining of all this chaos is I get to outlive all you covid cultists… so please get your booster! 😂🤣 LOL!
It’s been almost two years… in politics
9 ups, 3y
Answer the question, how much longer will it take for you to die from covid because of me being unmasked? It’s been almost 2 years of me going around unmasked in public and I haven’t been experimented on with your gene therapy treatments either. Yet I’m still here alive and well and none of my family or friends have died FROM or WITH the virus… but I do have close relatives who are now suffering new and serious health problems after them mRNA shots…
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 3y
🎻🦗 awwww…