Never said covid was a death sentence. All I'm saying is you don't need a booster IF you're dead. Death is 100% effective at preventing covid.
Sure, statistically you probably won't die even if you do catch it but the current 7 day average is roughly 1,200 covid deaths every day..... So people are clearly dying from it. And the last data I saw from Texas showed you were 20-40x more likely to die from covid if you are unvaccinated. So there's that.
As far as your silver lining, ya I've heard the (unfounded) "vaxxers are going to die" sentiment expressed here before and if hundreds of millions of Americans (and however much of the rest of the world) dies that will basically be apocalyptic and I don't think I'd want to stick around to live in that world anyway. Have fun stocking up on supplies for your vaccine apocalypse bunker. I would suggest canned food items, water, and guns.