So what? I already said and I will say it again: I don't care what you call yourself even if you are the pope or whatever whats important is, is whats in your heart!
My faith is not dependend on what people did or are doing, but on Jesus and what he did on the cross!
I meant the Nazi Ideologie. It was all about the "Führer" and all about Germany. They made themselves new gods and followed them.
It's the most important law in the Bible, to only worship God and no man ar something else! (Luke 4,8)
They even used Darwinism as and explanation for there right to dominate. Evolution: The strongest ones survive! They did not think every person has the same inherent value, like it's written for example in galatians 3,28.
It wasn't all about Jesus and love. If you would truly follow Jesus, you would be against that Ideologie.
The Confessing Church was founded to stand entirely against that Ideologie. 18000 pastors were in it and 3000 more adherent.
They were persecuted, arrested and even killed for there believes.
Some Christians hide jews and some like Bonhoeffer even tried to kill Hitler.
I don't care what you call yourself or in which building you go. What matters is what's in your heart and your actions!