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HeatherTaylor7 (8)
Joined 2022-09-02
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Thoughts and prayers? in politics
0 ups, 2y
Damn yall dense. Maybe look into what they're saying instead of reading to the 3 word summation like you ain't in possession of a brain and can't learn a thing all by yourself.
Tell people God talks back to you and you get locked up!!! in fun
0 ups, 2y
🤣 well one is stupidity, which only affects you. One is bothering other people about your stupidity, and we're tired of hearing it. Yall are worse than vegans when it comes to self promotion, I stg, and I'm vegan so....

That just leaves us with the third option, which is schizophrenia. Thats just one bad med day from BELIEVING you are god.
i hear this so much... it's rlly annoying. in politics
0 ups, 3y
I'm just so tired of news in general so I haven't watched CNN in years. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest though. I'm hoping things will change but u have a bad feeling things will get very violent before it happens though. And I get worse than called leftist, they tell me women won't have the right to vote or own land long so I don't matter. I'm like we outnumber you assholes lol. And we've put up with your kind far too long. This is the kind of rhetoric I despise about the far right as much as the far left. They don't f**king accept there's any kind of middle.
i hear this so much... it's rlly annoying. in politics
0 ups, 3y
Wow. Miss the point much buddy? Media lies. Period. End of story. It's not even an evil thing; it's a money thing. If they can scare you, they can get you to pay for their "information". Republicans are no better.

Anyone with decent intelligence does their own research these days, and NO THAT DOES NOT MEAN F**KING 8CHAN OR FACEBOOK POSTS.
i hear this so much... it's rlly annoying. in politics
0 ups, 3y
Oh look! An echo chamber!

It's not that anyone is pissed fox is republican. It's that it pushes absolutely unhinged conspiracy theories that do real damage in the world. Like what you like. But don't try to force others to live by your values or expect them to allow you to harm theirs. It's literally the opposite of smart to think that anyone would put up with it.

And for the record, both sides are f**king idiots, and having sides is a toddler move.