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Ghost-of-memes-past (12736)
Joined 2019-08-04
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xenaphobe in politics
1 up, 6y
el paso
FBI Numerologist in politics
0 ups, 6y
Trump is having the flags raised 8/8/19, you see 8 , 8, the eighth letter of the alphabet is H So 88 stands for Heil Hitler. I liked to have fallen out of my chair.
$30,000 student loan debt for an useless degree in politics
21 ups, 6y
Gender studies i did at age 5 , with show me yours
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 6y
"I think global warming isn't real" "But it is" "I do not believe that" "You're a nazi"! .Been there done that .
Trump's Perversion of the American Dream in politics
0 ups, 6y
people came to Ellis Island from around the world because they wanted to become American citizens. After the boats docked, immigrants would disembark and walk into the Registry Room where they would see doctors who would check if they had any physical problems and officers who would look over their legal documents. Once they were given the OK to enter, the immigrants were allowed into the United States. Were there other ways to enter the U.S. at this time? Sure you could run over the border illegally : /