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Epic-Boi (22327)
Joined 2020-12-21
Help me! I can’t make lemonade because life isn’t giving me lemons!
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lolololol use blazikins template or commit unalive in fun
0 ups, 2y
Just say "mom, you cannot pause online games. There are other people playing, so pausing it is impossible. Even if it was, doing so would ruin the other players' experiences by making them unable to do anything for a while, which is why this game doesn't have a pause button, meaning I cannot pause the game. So, basically, I won't pause the game because for this game, it's not physically possible. You cannot pause online games."
who uses this? in fun
0 ups, 2y
It's actually quite useful under certain circumstances like if you want to create a comic with images
This took me 45 minutes to make. I hope you all enjoy! Credits to the original makers of all the memes used. in fun
1 up, 3y
You forgot about when Choccy Milk took over the site for some reason
I hid a red eye in this picture, whoever finds it first will get 50 upvotes on their memes by me in fun
2 ups, 3y
I found the red eye after a little while but someone else did it before me