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Djeddhy (1937)
Joined 2016-11-28
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Jenkins Cat template template

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Schools stopped teaching cursive to promote equality in fun
1 up, 7y
Clearly not a fan of the ladies...
Schools stopped teaching cursive to promote equality in fun
2 ups, 7y
I have mad skills with my urine-stream; don't assume my (lack of) skill.
lolcat - table in fun
1 up, 7y
His name is 'Sir Purrson Jesus Toe-Bean, esq.' -
Kushner Thinking - goldfish in fun
0 ups, 8y
Inspired by (stolen from) 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver'.
I think they are protesting AMERICA! in fun
0 ups, 8y
I'm thinking they're protesting because they don't believe these things will happen under the current administration.

I could be wrong.