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Curesdcookie (4)
Joined 2022-01-18
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Ronald Reagan -Assault Weapons in politicsTOO
0 ups, 10mo
Is the mini 14 an assault rifle or a modern sporting rifle?

Pretty sure m16/ar15's aren't designed for "killing as many humans as possible" if so they would've picked a stronger caliber than 223/556 which is most commonly used for coyote hunting. Also I remember reading the military chose that caliber because it specifically caused less casualties...more often maiming enemy combatants rather than killing. Having to provide medical attention/extraction for I cured soldiers ties up much more of the enemies resources than a dead soldier would.

Also I believe the idea of use behind the m16 design revolved around squad tactics rather than outright killing power. Small rounds so soldiers could carry a lot of ammo on them, decent sized magazines so squad members could provide covering fire for other squad members to out maneuver enemy's positions.

I would 10000% rather be shot by an " assault rifle" than a shotgun. Anyone who says different is out their f**king mind
Looking for that Supreme Court case that will shut up your Second Amendment absolutist friend? Well: Here it is. in politicsTOO
0 ups, 3y
How concealable a gun is has zero basis on how deadly it is. SBR laws are f**king retarded. Not to mention if short barreled rifles are so much more dangerous because they’re easier to conceal, then the fact that rifle rounds lose velocity in shorter barrels making it theoretically less deadly…they should cancel each other out on the dangerous level scale and just be treated as normal damn rifles