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CrystalMB (3102)
Joined 2015-09-19
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Women Suffrage in fun
2 ups, 9y
It is a whitewashing of history to say that ALL women could vote in 1920. WHITE women have been able to vote since 1920. I am sad to acknowledge that white feminist heroes like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton actively argued against the rights of people of color in order to advance their own goals.
Since making this I have learned that all Native Americans couldn’t vote in 1924. In 1924, in an attempt at assimilation, Congress passed the Indian Citizenship Act which states, “That all non-citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States be, and they are hereby, declared to be citizens of the United States.” (In other words, they are American citizens, if they were not born on the reservation and do not claim their Native citizenship.)
Yet even after the Indian Citizenship Act, some Native Americans weren't allowed to vote because the right to vote was governed by state law. This was apparently so foggy it had to be reaffirmed in 1940 so Native American’s could be drafted!
But native people didn’t gain full voting right until 1964, including native women.

It was not until 1943 that Chinese Americans were first permitted to become citizens. For Asian Indians, it was 1946. 1952, the McCarran-Walter Act granted all people of Asian ancestry the right to become citizens.
The 15th Amendment gave black people the right to vote in 1870. Jim Crow quickly snatched away that right for all practical purposes, however, as poll taxes and literacy tests--and Klansmen--denied blacks that fundamental right. President Johnson's Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the true turning point in the USA's history of beginning to embrace blacks as full citizens with equal rights..
Your job is not to judge in fun
0 ups, 9y
Your job is not to judge in fun
2 ups, 9y
With whatsoever judgment ye judge, so shall ye be judged.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
in lew of the clock that looked like a bomb.Those weren't just pots~ Boston in fun
1 up, 10y
Cool meme. But the word is "lieu", not "lew".
Trump's Bloody Mary in fun
0 ups, 10y
Oh, he's the Master of slurs! Exactly who we want to represent US.
If elected, he will insult enough other nations in the first week that they will blow us off the face of the earth within the first month.