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ChrysClay (3504)
Joined 2015-04-26
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Donald Trump Clown in politics
1 up, 4mo
I presume he ''made available'' his plane with a dodgy engine and no wings?
Trump Mask in politics
0 ups, 9mo
Edit; Besides, it's pretty self explanatory to anyone with a reasonable grasp of English, if not cult tv.
Trump Mask in politics
0 ups, 9mo
Fair enough. OTOH you need to get the reference ( I's a particular line of dialogue form a particular tv show ). If you don't then don't whine, just ignore it. If you get the ref. you get it, if you don't you don't.
Trump Mask in politics
0 ups, 9mo
Too obscure for you?
body bag in politics
0 ups, 9mo
How are you Magapotamians still doing with Covid? Your Orange Fuhrer still telling you to inject bleach?