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CJohnson3 (6243)
Joined 2020-04-30
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Jack Nicholson Crazy Hair in politics
0 ups, 2mo
You don't know the law. Executive orders aren't law which is why this one was stopped. The supreme court defined on 3 exceptions to birthright citizenship. There are only 2 left. None of them include children undocumented immigrants.
Jack Nicholson Crazy Hair in politics
0 ups, 2mo
The law says the child is a citizen. Order was halted. HA!
Trump not Christian in politics
0 ups, 2mo
Paul's rule for his own churches aren't for all time.
Trump not Christian in politics
0 ups, 2mo
compassion is more important than cultural bigotray
Trump not Christian in politics
0 ups, 2mo
And Trump is your god