I’d say that the Bible is, for all practical purposes, a book of fairytales and thus cannot be used as a reliable source. But Israel is also a fantasy state, and Zionists do believe in it, so this argument probably wouldn’t work against them.
Btw, the article in question is from the Times of Israel (big shocker, I know) and it talked about a post from the anti-Zionist organization JVP. Here’s what it actually said:
“Instead of putting resources toward making our country livable, our government is putting billions toward Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
We want leaders who fund climate, healthcare, education, housing — not genocide.
Sending love to everyone in the impacted area and those risking their lives to try to stop the spread of the fire. 💔”
The anti-Israel activists in question believe that perhaps funding things that give Americans a basic standard of living is worth more than giving Israel billions of dollars in aid packages to continue bombing hospitals in Gaza. But the title of the article purposefully obfuscates this, leading people to believe that said activists are making the bizarre claim that a “state” in the Middle East is causing these fires. In essence, it’s a strawman of what we really think.
Not that Zionists care about things like nuance or reasonability. They will briefly skim the title, point and laugh at their strawmanned idea of what an anti-Zionist is (while looking like complete dunces themselves) and continue espousing their hateful ideology.