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Brad_Johnson (37893)
Joined 2015-10-02
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Extortionist-in-Chief in politics
0 ups, 3w
TDS is the bizarre adoration of the cult leader, the person generating the derangement. The one serving the Kool Aid.
Extortionist-in-Chief in politics
0 ups, 3w
So, English is not your first language? Or you just never learned to read?
Extortionist-in-Chief in politics
0 ups, 3w
He won; America, and the entire free world, LOST ! Even YOU. You just haven't felt it, YET ! :)
Extortionist-in-Chief in politics
0 ups, 3w
Extortionist-in-Chief in politics
0 ups, 3w
Well, like all politicians, he said he would fix things. He didn't say he was going to burn everything down, and throw the baby, instead of the bathwater.