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Bascombe (124124)
Joined 2016-11-29
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They don't even try to hide it in politics
4 ups, 4y
Wrong about that, wrong about me. Puerto Rico has been voting since the 1970's whether to become a state, become an independent country or stay a territory. The voting has basically been a three way split for decades with no one idea gaining any traction. I am all for the people of Puerto Rico being self determining. When they vote for statehood, they'll get statehood. I am certainly not in favor of the Democrats in Washington decreeing statehood for them (which is by itself undemocratic) and I am NOT in favor of the quid pro quo that would follow. The Democratic gambit for statehood for DC and Puerto Rico is NOT about democracy, and you know it. The Democrats are currently trying to circumvent the constitution, exploit any errors they might find. They want to get rid of the electoral college (because they know the popular vote favors them) They want to appoint extra activist liberal judges on the supreme court to actually subvert democracy and politicize the one branch of government that is supposed to be non-political, and they want to grant statehood to two places that would swing congress. The Republicans are currently trying to preserve the constitution. The American people aren't stupid. They know what is what. I don't think you are stupid. You know all of this. I am not a Republican, by the way, I have plenty of beefs with them as well.
Time for the red pill in politics
1 up, 5y
No, he/she does not
Time for the red pill in politics
0 ups, 5y
Joe Biden is still proud of the 1994 crime bill that he co-authored that led to the mass incarceration of young black males. How is that for enacting a racist policy? Because of that legislation, young black males who smoked crack cocaine do more time in prison than young white males who rape drunk, passed out girls with broom handles behind dumpsters after frat parties (Speaking specifically of Brock Turner). If that isn't racist, what is? What is your convenient definition of racism that still allows you to vote for Biden? I didn't vote for Trump, but you are quoting leftist talking points. You didn't do your own research. You are just parroting things that others have told you to think without vetting them. Time for you to do your own thinking. Trump said there were very fine people on both sides of that particular argument, he did not ever call white supremacists very fine people but he has castigated them from time to time. If you are going to quote Trump, at least don't misquote him. You don't have to like him, I don't, but don't fall for the lies. Are you calling the burning of Minneapolis a non-violent protest? Or CHAZ in Seattle? Or Portland? Don't be so woke that you fail to be awake. Did you know that the program of separating children from their parents at the border was actually an Obama era program? It was. Do you know why that is happening? Because Mexican children come across the border with people who say they are their parents who are actually trafficking them sexually. That is why they are separated from their "parents".

By the way, before he became a republican five years ago, exactly nobody ever thought Trump was a racist. That's all the left has. When they don't like someone, they call them a racist. It's a tired trope and it's lazy, and it doesn't work anymore. Did Obama/Biden permanently fund Traditionally Black Colleges and Universities? Did Obama/Biden do the First Step Act which released thousands of black people who were doing horrifically long sentences for non-violent offenses because of Biden's 1994 crime bill, clearly in violation of the eighth amendment? Did Obama/Biden say redlining was bad and create opportunity zones where the redlining zones previously were which led to black entrepreneurship? Did Obama/Biden have historically low black unemployment? No, they did not. They did none of these things, but Trump did. You keep calling him a racist. Worst racist ever.
Time for the red pill in politics
0 ups, 5y
You posted wikipedia