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AtDefund1Percent (875)
Joined 2022-05-27
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My Sentiments Exactly in politics
1 up, 3y
I've been supporting myself, my family, and others for 29 years.
I have three sole proprietorship businesses.
I pay a Mortgage, Rent a facility, I pay Federal, State, Local, Sales, Property, and Self Employment Taxes.
I couldn't live on $20/hour. I have real obligations, sorry.
Hence why I can't ever depend on making some shitty employer capital just to barely provide what I need.

It's OK to admit that you don't understand the advanced concepts that I wrote about before.
And Yes, I wrote them and researched them myself. It's not just a mindless Copy+Paste that you see and share on Facebook 10 times each day. I don't do smooth brain "Bumper Sticker Politics"

Try changing your information sources. Subscribe to some podcasts. Read some books.
Expand your mind and your thinking.
You will hopefully realize that you've been voting against your own interests for your entire life.
My Sentiments Exactly in politics
1 up, 3y
Jesus, you're going to be so much work.....
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 3y
I don't know you or where you live, or your experiences. Thank you for sharing with me now.

My parents are 80 lol. I live in a crappy suburb in Pennsatuckey, surrounded by hateful racist assholes and smooth brained "R for life" voters wondering when their lives are going to get better not worse.

The Left (The real left, not corporate Dems) wants nothing more than to end disparities for all working class people. Nobody wants anyone to be dragged down. A rising tide lifts all boats.
That mindset of "They want to drag US down" is the exact problem.
Not everything is about white people.
The whole f**king power structure revolves around you already, for Christ's sake.

JUST because black people are tired of getting killed by police at a 3-1 rate of others, that doesn't mean They/We/I want ANYONE else to be killed AT ALL. STOP F**KING KILLING PEOPLE.

Minneapolis Police are a f**king disaster-that is obvious.

Are you old enough to remember Rodney King? F**k, I wish we could go back to those days.
Now it's cops who are trained to be terrified of any situation AT ALL.
- 12 year old boy with toy gun? BOOM! 2 seconds - DEAD.
- Guy in a car mentions being e legal gun owner? BOOM Empty your clip into him with his f**king 5 year old in the back seat!
- Guy runs away from cops for a traffic/drug violation/refuses to ID? BOOM back of the head!
- Dude has a drug problem and freaked out from being scared of knowing what was about to happen?
Put your knee on his neck for 9 minutes while he's on the ground surrounded by cops with guns.
The paramedics had to tell him to GTFO of him so they could try to save his life!

And then after 500 instances of this stuff happening, right wing TV blames nobody but the victims.

Radicalized right wing influencers and people flood social media and real life with hateful rhetoric,
completely devoid of any empathy.

Support the cops 1000% even though they have been proven time after time to lie about almost everything - even when the body cameras were in use.

Police unions and "independent investigations" that can't admit a single fault in 99% of the situations.

Lawsuits get paid out with OUR tax dollars. NOT the persons responsible, NOT the unions.

End or reduce "Qualified Immunity". Make them get f**king Malpractice Insurance like Doctors.... you'll see them valuing human life all of the sudden.

Is there any doubt at all why things are so f**ked up these days?
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 3y
Almost all of the problems in this country (spilling over into the ROW) are caused by unregulated Crony Capitalism.

Corporations move our job to overseas and Mexico to exploit Slave Labor.

They park Trillions of dollars in tax shelters.

They lobby the govt to deregulate everything.
Gutted Anti-trust regulations allowed most of the products we depend on to be distributed by only a handful of companies and easily price fixed, AND they f**ked up our Supply Chain with decreased inventories and "just in time" supply strategies.

They bust up Labor Unions to keep you subjected to shittier pay, benefits, and conditions.

Wall Street jacks up Energy prices and they make money whether the costs go up or down, from the volatility. Destroying our consumer price index.

Stock buybacks to enrich their own Shareholders and CEOs, instead of:
Investing in the Workers Pay and Benefits.
Improving procedures and safety systems to decrease the chance of supply chain disruptions.
Investing in manufacturing HERE instead of CHINA.

They make money the more inmates they can cram into private prisons.

The corporate media exists to make money.
Every inflammatory fear mongering headline is done so intentionally for clicks and views.
And they won't ever say a word about Price Gouging or Wall Street.
Their Owners will not allow that.

Education will not get better because they want factory workers. Not people capable of thinking.

Every single Corporation and Lobbying Group exists solely to vacuum as much of OUR money
as possible from the Bottom 99% to the Top 1%. It's never going to be enough for them.

None of this is new. It's been going on for 40+ years.

None of it will change by electing Republicans or establishment Dems.
Democrats trying to buy votes with your money... Disgusting! in politics
0 ups, 3y
As opposed to Republicans buying your votes with your own money by funneling it into subsidies for Big Oil, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, Tax Cuts for the rich.

Deregulating Wall Street allowing them to rape us all senseless thru the cost of every single good and service we consume.

Thus allowing you to live with the delusion that you're NOT struggling lower middle class, you're all just
"Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires"

With the dream that what will "trickle down" onto you someday is money, and not just their complete and utter disregard for you all **Oops - US ALL**.