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AmberWelch2 (360)
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Some Students Feel Prepared for College to Realize Later on That They Weren't in gaming
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Sarah Butrymowicz, in a report titled “Most Colleges Enroll Many Students Who Aren’t Prepared for Higher Education” This report supports the argument that students feel unprepared for the rigors of college life and course load. Butrymowicz reports findings on how students enrolling in college are unprepared and need to take remedial classes to catch up to the college level of academics. This is an issue that Butrymowicz reports about and wants to shed awareness on. This report is credible because it gives statistics to back up the findings. Posted on The Hechinger Report, this report discusses information that is beneficial to students, faculty, and parents. Butrymowicz states that reports show in Baltimore, most students enrolling in college programs are not ready for the academic rigors of a college level workload. Investigation in this topic shows that even a newly graduated highschooler is not assured to be mentally ready for college courses. The report touches on interesting topics such as, how remedial classes have become a necessity in your first year of community college. Butrymowicz supports the analysis by reporting evidence and statistics on how students in Baltimore are not meeting college level readiness, needing remedial classes before even starting regular course work loads. The purpose of this author is to report how students are not prepared for college. How students depend on remedial classes to help them to the level they need to be in order to be successful in future courses. Butrymowicz reports this information for people to realize this is an issue in this state and in colleges in other states. Reporting that forty-four states have this same problem.
Some Highschool Students Don't Know How to Appy to College in gaming
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Zoe Chevalier, is the author of an article titled “Many California High-Schoolers Felt Unprepared for College Process: Study” Chevalier provides an analysis that they conducted with a survey. Showing results such as how only 52% of high school students feel like their high school provided understanding on how to apply to college. The remaining 48% feels unprepared on how to apply to college. Chevalier backs up the findings by stating that YouthTruth an organization conducted these studies. Chevalier also focuses on the topic of student’s surveys of assorted topics. Chevalier’s purpose is to report the findings and to provide knowledge from YouthTruth. In this article provided, Chevalier explains how some students are unprepared. This article supports the argument of how high school students are unprepared for college. The article provides statistics, percentages and information on how students were unprepared and lacked understanding on how to apply to college. YouthTruth an organization conducted the statistics in this article, making the article more credible. This resource gives more grounds to the argument of high schoolers feeling unprepared for college.
Early College student's vs Regular Highschool student's in repost
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This article provides insight on how different regular high school students are to early college students. Average high school students are not provided with the same amount of preparedness as to students who are in the early college program. This articles argument is a grey area to the argument of how high school students are unprepared for college. It supports the argument but is also against it. The argument is a general argument about how all high school students (including early college students since they are also high schoolers) are unprepared for college. In the article provided it sheds knowledge about how different the early college program students are to regular high school students, who don't take any college courses in high school. This article argues that early college students are prepared for college because they are given more opportunities to be prepared for college, unlike regular students. Hence why it also supports the argument, because the early college program is a special case when it comes to high school. Regular high school students do not have the same opportunities to be prepared. Traditionally high schools did not have any way to take college classes while taking high school classes. So regular high schoolers are especially unprepared compared to early college program high school students.
Early College student's vs Regular Highschool student's in repost
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Kristina Zeiser, in the article “Evaluating the Impact of Early College High Schools” argues and explains that early college students have multiple benefits that help them succeed in post-secondary education. The author discusses how students who were in the early college program feel that it helped them be better prepared for rigorous college life. Zeiser gives multiple accounts of evidence to support the claim. The claim that early college students gain more opportunities and are more likely to seek out post-secondary education, than their peers that are not in the early college program. Zeiser touches on subtopics that have relation to the main claim. Zeiser discusses how there is significant cost benefit in early college programs. Zeiser discusses how obtaining early college credits will help with overall student debt. Zeiser shares statistics on the rate of early college students who enroll into college compared to non-early college students. Zeiser also explains how students who choose the early college program will be able to attain a bachelor’s degree faster and cheaper than if you go the longer route, which is not being in the early college program. The author Zeiser provides facts and data that support the conclusion, which is that early college programs benefit students and provide more preparedness and opportunities. Zeiser supports the argument by justifying the argument with massive quantities of evidence and statistics. Zeiser supports the claims as well as provides insight on the benefits of the early college program. How taking this route to enhance an education pathway would be a beneficial and smart move. The article’s purpose is to prove with statistics, evidence, and graphs that the early college program is a program that works to enhance education and further prepare students for the rigors of college education. So that more students and parents who read this article strongly consider going into this program to enhance personal education, preparedness, and opportunities.
Wanted More Preparation for Highschoolers in fun
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Great!Schools Staff, in the article “6 Strategies of Award-Winning High Schools that Prepare Students for College” explains and lists the strategies of successful high schools that prepared students for college. This article brings awareness to the fact that the split in high schools that properly preparing students are mixed across America. Great Schools Staff brings attention to how high schools in America are hit or miss. That some high schools help your child succeed and some do not help as well as others. Great!Schools Staff goes on to explain how Great! conducted data that illustrates how well high schools prepare students overall. The Great!Schools Staff conducted a survey to weigh in on what high schools are doing that make some successful and others not so much. This article provides strategies that they found in their survey, which provide insight on what certain high schools are doing that make them more successful in helping students prepare. Great!Schools Staff supports the explanation by demonstrating the evidence and steps that some high schools took to be more successful in preparing their students for the next step in the education process. This article provides a sense of understanding, as to why some high schools are better equipped than others. This article demonstrates how even choosing a high school, whether private or public is important. To judge what best fits for the student to be successful in their future. The purpose of this blog is to disclose the steps that some high schools take, that increase the potential of student’s preparedness. The article is very helpful in understanding why certain outcomes happen regarding education. This is a meme based on an article that Great!Schools Staff created. This is against the argument of how students are unprepared for college. This article is in the grey area when it comes to the argument, of how high schools prepare and not prepare enough students. This article sheds light on how depending on the high school whether or not the student will be prepared enough for college. The article provides strategies, that some high schools used to be successful in preparing students compared to other high schools that did not utilize these strategies.