Sarah Butrymowicz, in a report titled “Most Colleges Enroll Many Students Who Aren’t Prepared for Higher Education” This report supports the argument that students feel unprepared for the rigors of college life and course load. Butrymowicz reports findings on how students enrolling in college are unprepared and need to take remedial classes to catch up to the college level of academics. This is an issue that Butrymowicz reports about and wants to shed awareness on. This report is credible because it gives statistics to back up the findings. Posted on The Hechinger Report, this report discusses information that is beneficial to students, faculty, and parents. Butrymowicz states that reports show in Baltimore, most students enrolling in college programs are not ready for the academic rigors of a college level workload. Investigation in this topic shows that even a newly graduated highschooler is not assured to be mentally ready for college courses. The report touches on interesting topics such as, how remedial classes have become a necessity in your first year of community college. Butrymowicz supports the analysis by reporting evidence and statistics on how students in Baltimore are not meeting college level readiness, needing remedial classes before even starting regular course work loads. The purpose of this author is to report how students are not prepared for college. How students depend on remedial classes to help them to the level they need to be in order to be successful in future courses. Butrymowicz reports this information for people to realize this is an issue in this state and in colleges in other states. Reporting that forty-four states have this same problem.