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A1D (1624)
Joined 2021-12-25
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Bike Fall in fun
1 up, 2y
So essentially the researchers had taken a study that was intentionally skewed to demonize ivermectin by not adjusting the data caused by breathing failure. In other terms, ivermectin has promising results in most situations except for when the victim's breathing is compromised. Although ivermectin reduces viral load, it's not an intervention that can assist in ventilation or removal of lesions from the lungs. The researches who conducted this study must have known this and chose to publish the data without adjustment. For some reason it bothers me (as if it shouldn't?) that people choose to withhold the truth and let people die because it would instead be admitting they were wrong, or admitting a certain party was right. We could save more people by using these proven interventions. Thanks for the study.
Bike Fall in fun
0 ups, 2y
Ohhhhhh, I get it. I had to go to your profile to understand. Please schedule an appointment with your psychiatrist (if you have one) and request a bipolar screening. This is important to catch early on and the longer you fight it the more likely you are to end up in a bad place.
Bike Fall in fun
0 ups, 2y
You're quoting a government article, and if that doesn't convince you it's irrelevant, take note on how they don't cite their own sources/studies. It's ridiculous that in this day and age people still cite articles as evidence when the article contains no evidence. I'm no disseminating anything. If you don't care about death rates then just say so. You don't have to attack me because I present a better form of treatment for the ill. If you think the only way to handle a virus is to vaccinate and let the infected die then I do not believe you should be allowed to disseminate your own opinions.
Bike Fall in fun
0 ups, 2y
Ivermectin is a paste, not a pill. Human doses have been clinically proven to prevent, treat and reduce the span of COVID.

Human doses of the vaccine have killed thousands already, where as ivermectin has claimed less than 5 victims. Ivermectin does not have permanent side effects, the vaccine does.

In conjunction, they could save many lives, that's what I care about. What I don't care for is people who just want others to take the vaccine to show compliance, but don't actually care about supporting alternative treatment options to reduce the mortality rates.

I actually care about the death toll, do you?
Bike Fall in fun
0 ups, 2y
No, just larger dose. Y'know, for like horses and stuff, because they're bigger. Doesn't mean ivermectin is bad for you, the dose makes the poison. Same way too much water or alcohol will kill you.