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aka: Mr incredible uncanny meme, mr incredible becoming uncanny, mr incredible becoming canny to uncanny, mr incredible becoming canny, mr incredible becoming uncanny to canny, mr incredible becoming uncanny 1st extension
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mr incredible becoming uncanny disturbing facts #4

mr incredible becoming uncanny disturbing facts #4 | pov: you hear this disturbing fact (#4); the last fact on part one is not true according to islam beliefs; in the phillipines, mcdonalds serves spaghetti; "albert einstein" is an anagram for "ten elite brains"; PEZ candy was made to get smokers to stop smoking; 3 musketeers bars got their name because they used to come with 3 flavors; dunce caps used to be a sign of intelligence; scotland has over 400 words for snow; shadows are darker on the moon; cucumber slices can fight bad breath; people used to say "prunes" instead of "cheese" when having their pictures taken; our body makes one tablespoon of tears every hour; the world's smallest wasp is smaller than an amoeba; the letter J is the last letter to be added to the alphabet; octopuses have 3 hearts; the vatican city, san marino, andorra, monaco, and liechtenstein have no airports; a flock of ravens is called an "unkindness"; they can also be called a "conspiracy"; strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries arent actually berries; the human ear never stops growing; roller coasters were invented to distract americans from sin; human eyes dont reflect as animals' eyes do; bleach can actually expire; theres only one shell gas station shaped like a shell; most wasabi paste isnt real wasabi; cars can easily reach 140 degrees fahrenheit; supermarket apples can be a year old; mountain lions stalk you for hours before killing you; lobsters taste with their feet; in connecticut, you can only sell a pickle if its able to bounce; a murder only has a 40% chance to be caught; there is literally a spongebob theory called the "skin theory" search it up for yourself; your eyes will flatten after death; some sea cucumbers shoot out their internal organs which are poisonous to predators; idaho is the only state in the usa to have an active ban on c_______ism | image tagged in mr incredible becoming uncanny extended hd | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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by anonymous
2,550 views, 29 upvotes, 7 comments

pov: you hear this disturbing fact #3

pov: you hear this disturbing fact #3 | POV: you see this disturbing fact (#3); the creator of the gameboy was nintendo's janitor; chocolate was once used as currency; nike earns 600$ per second; popsicles were invented by an 11-year-old in 1905; pacman was originally created due to a missing slice of pizza; the first superman comic is now worth over 3 million dollars; cucumbers are 96% water; australia is the only continent on earth without an active volcano; squirrels cant find 74% of the nuts they bury, those missing nuts can potentially create new trees; daniel radcliffe once wore the same outfit for 6 months to annoy paparazzi; water is the only substance on earth that is lighter as a solid than as a liquid; scar from the lion king was once voiced by winnie the pooh's voice actor; a minute of the nightmare before christmas took an entire week to film; the word "nintendo" roughly translates to "leave luck to heaven"; coconut water can be used as blood plasma; pong wasnt actually the first video game; milk, orange juice, and coffee don't contain all of what they claim to contain; the founding fathers of the USA didn't know dinosaurs existed; australia once went to war with emus; THE EMUS WON; peanuts are legumes, not nuts; since hotdogs are basically just puree'd meat stuffed inside an animal intestine, a hotdog doesnt stop being a hotdog even after we eat it, we just become the new hotdog casings and that makes us (in a way) hotdogs as well; ladybugs sometimes EAT THEIR OWN EGGS; a florida man once flew a learjet with an excavator like it was a toy plane; most carrots used to be purple until they were selectively bred into their orange color we know today; due to fresh drinking water being so scarce on the galapagos islands, some bird species have adapted by drinking the blood of other animals; parmesan cheese and vomit contain butyric acid, which is responsible for the most distinct parts of their smells; katy perry has had 13 grammy nominations but never won a single one; cleopatra had only 2 great grand parents; during earthquakes coffins basically become underground maracas; we've been on the brink of a global nuclear exchange several times; some frogs make homes out of elephant poop; you can be allergic to your own blood; theres a moment during the cremation process when the meat is perfectly cooked | image tagged in mr incredible becoming uncanny extended hd | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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by anonymous
851 views, 8 upvotes

Disturbing Facts

Disturbing Facts | Facts; You cannot get copyright claimed if you make a 5-second song; You won't get terminated if you follow YouTube's rules; YouTube will Re-add the "Sort by" button; Every faceless YouTuber will one day show their faces; You are getting more subscribers and views; If you were inactive for a week and then you are active, make apology videos telling why were you inactive; Santa Claus would be either real or not; Thanks to the sequel of The Incredibles, the first MIBU meme appeared; Lost episodes were fictional and fake; You can skip sponsors; Both Java and Bedrock Edition are now compatible; The quote "Don't judge a book by its cover" will soon become popular; If you ever gone to a trip at early morning, then you can come back at afternoon; If a YouTuber said "Give this video a like and subscribe", it means they are begging; If you add too many images, Imgflip will lag and Chrome will show original content; Every movie you watched were based on a true story; Mickey Mouse has a dark side; Geometry Dash has a dark side; If you have Somniphobia (fear of sleep), there would a chance of someone watching you at night; No matter how many videos you watch, the Mr Incredible meme can't die; MrDweller may milk those memes; He may also make even more variants; "(character 1) x (character 2)" would be on YouTube; Some Spanish channels are making even more variants of Mr Incredible; Some English channels are using the uncanny meme; Santa Claus wasn't real, it was our parents the whole time who put the presents underneath the Christmas tree; Reversed phase 9 sounds the same as phase 50 (not reversed); Phase 35 was actually real gore (Do not search it please); Herobrine from Minecraft became 12 years old since its first appearance; If you reverse phase 9.75 music, it sounds like "It's a Small World (Creepy Piano)" but reversed; Guatemala's EAS alarm from 1902 is just that sound from FNaF 1; South Korea's EAS alarm from the 1950s is just Suicide Mouse's ending theme; Malaysia's EAS alarm from 1942 has some screams from Suicide Mouse; At any moment, any uncanny phase will show a text written in red "Roll the die" | image tagged in mr incredible becoming uncanny extended hd,facts,memes,mr incredible becoming uncanny,funny,disturbing | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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