Do you really think businesses pay no tax? You have not got a clue. My small distribution company in the 80s spent 250,000 of our 1,000,000 building budget to lay 13 miles of water line up a main street because we increased the water usage, this was NOT a shared cost and end the end that added expense was one of several factors that helped to bankrupt the business. When Godaddy added a call center behind my apt complex here in AZ, they foot the bill to lay fiber optic for the entire neighborhood. You are also unaware of things call "user fees" which business's pay to use certain services. I also have news for you, people did business in this country a few hundred years before there were roads. Roads are primarily paid for by gasoline taxes which are probably one of the fairest taxes in the country because all pay based on the amount they use, The loopholes everyone likes to refer to are tax credits for hiring certain percentages of minorities, reinvesting and growing a business in order to grow and hire more, credits for investing in cleaner technologies (I could give you this one is a gift for doing what should be done anyhow). Your issues are not with business but with the cronyism that gives a LARGE company like a Honda or Toyoata backdoor deals to come build a plant in their state so they can earn revenue off of both the business that is built there and the additional employment it creates. If you want to take a stand, take it against that, not taxing all businesses more as in the end, its the consumer that pays the additional tax.