Point is, which person is less likely to get hassled when dealing with the police:
A) Calm, respectful and cooperative?
B) Defiant, confrontational, and disrespectful?
Play the odds, is what I'm saying.
If you are B, this means that you weren't raised to show respect to authority figures. Your parents have failed you as a child and you fail yourself as an "adult". Maybe you should grow up a bit...hmmm?
All cops are not racist, but I have personally witnessed situations with racist cops. People should be respectful to each other in general, but they are not. When a person in authority crosses a boundary because they are "disrespected" it is wrong. If you disrespect a store manager should they be able to take your wallet? If disrespect your dentist should he be able to pull out all of your teeth? That is the logic most of you are using. If you disrespect a cop you should not lose your life. Period. There is such a thing as excessive force. Being a douche is NOT illegal.
We are a country and society governed by laws. Someone/something has to uphold and enforce said laws. For all its faults, would you prefer living in another system? If so, I invite you to run for office or emigrate...
This reminds me of the Golden Dawn, dressed up as Spartans in public shouting "Turks and Albanians need to get out of Greece! Remove kebab! Remove malakes!"