Look, some of us aren't prepared in any way. I'm prepared mentally, because I except the fact that it is inevitable. I believe I am saved, so I'm willing to risk my life here on Earth to remain free. I don't know when I will die, but i'm not willing to trade the comforts of my freedom to ensure I will live to see tomorrow. I'd rather die as free as I possibly can and let the filth inherit the Earth. Having said that, I am a man and I relish the thought of stabbing to death any person who comes to my door with the intent to do my family harm. I consider my neighbors my family. I consider my countryman my family, regardless of race or creed. So in short, I say why wait? Why prolong the inevitable? Bring it you filth! Come and try to destroy us! Come here, to our home so we can tear you apart face to face! There are plenty of Americans who aren't cowards to defend those who are.