If this is original I applaud you. If you unknowingly reposted this I still applaud you. If you stole this from someone deep in the internet for the points, you're the scum under the boat.
Did it come out of my own head? Yes. Is it original? As far as I know. Do I take full credit? Maybe 95% as I can't be sure that out of millions of Facebook user no one else had the same idea and posted it privately. But, yes, this particular one is mine, not stolen.
To keep people on here is the most reasonable answer. A lot of people don't come here to make memes, they come here to get the next icon. It's a natural urge to want to get to the newer level. And eventually, the "impossible icon."
I am giving him credit and an upvote. I really enjoyed this. It's not like I knew wether or not this was original, and apparently it is. I didn't mean that "Oh this is probably a repost, but if it isn't, wow." Don't twist my words around.
That's my point I was trying to make. I didn't know whether you stole it, made an original, or mistakingly made a duplicate. I give you full credit. I love this. But people were twisting my words around and saying I thought it was a repost. I just didn't know, neither of us knew.