If any Mods or Admins happen to be reading this, please listen to what I have to say: if you guys would just promote all us users who are very active on this website (MemeMaker, InfernoKid, myself, corbinium, etc.) to Mods, then that would really help stop all the spamming before it begins. Instead of having to wait to one of you guys to finally get around to deleting all the spam/troll accounts going around, why not promote us active users to Mods so we can stop the accounts when we see them? If you guys did this, then the amount of spam posts would be reduced DRASTICALLY. Myself and several other users agree with this idea. It really would be a huge step in getting rid of the troll accounts. Plus, it would make things easier on the already existing Mods/Admins. It really would help this website out greatly.