Wait, i down voted one person's comment and I'm the downvote fairy? This meme has 4 dislikes so does that mean there's 5 downvote fairies? I seen some memes with almost 30 dislikes so looked like we have 30 people who are downvote fairies
You're a downvote fairy since you downvoted FATBASTERD's comment because of his previous actions and not the quality of his meme, which is what you should do. Who knows, maybe he's turning over a new leaf?
0 ups, 10y
and he downvotes all of Philip. Batcha's memes and comments.
True, but the downvote fairy down voted the latest memes before they could get anywhere. If i downvote a comment then it doesn't have that knock on effect. He could be turning over a new leaf but i still kinda think he might be a troll because he certainly comes off as one at times
I know this has nothing to do with this topic, but check out this link https://www.google.com/maps/@51.492159,-0.192966,3a,75y,292.58h,72.57t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sH5FWWz1tdn4AAAQIt7zt5A!2e0!3e2