But I take the hate and use it to make me more and more popular. If TheMemeMaker2 never accussed me of being the downvote fairy noone would have checked my profile to see the funny memes I had made XD
I also start flame wars to get hate... and likes
I never get anything on the front page. :,( Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't gotten on the front page in maybe over 4 or 5 months. I guess no one likes my memes.
Nah. It's not that. Most of my viewers see my memes while looking at my account and not from the templates.
If you comment with funny meme-replies maybe you'll get enough "attention".
Well. Yours are a bit wrong. They are supposed to say something likes dis:
Yo mamas so stupid
she returned a donut cause there was a whole in it.
Or something like that. Get what I mean?
1 up, 10y,
1 reply
yeah i know. mine are just inappropriate but i thought i would get so many likes but turns out that i get like 10 dislikes and 1 like! yeah i stopped making those "yo mamas like a" jokes.