Here's a hypothetical situaton for you. You have the option of getting the flu vaccine. Some people don't, but let's say YOU do. What do you do? Get it and risk coming down with influenza or don't get it and risk coming down with influenza. I'll give you a hint. The first option involves putting the flu virus in you along with substances called adjunctives, such as aluminum or mercury, to "excite" the immune response and get it to fight off the virus that they just put in you. I'll let you come to your own conclusions. My gf was bullied into getting the vaccine because she volunteers at the hospital. Now she's in her bed and sick with the flu. The only reason I am not going to get it is because I take care of my body, excersize, drink plenty of water, and keep my electrolyte and vitamin levels up. That beats a vaccine any day of the week, especially the ones that end in 'y'.