You can solve any math problem that has the number 21 in it (if you wanted to solve a problem that doesn't have 21 in it, simply +21-21 to the end of it)
I mean, u could take a problem ( like 59+32) and just add +21-21 to the end (now the problem is 59+32+21-21) same answer as before except you can use ur power to solve it, and it equals 21 because God came down and added an extra 2 to the solution
But then they all immediately forget u insulted them and forget u, then u can never have any loved ones and must live a life filled with your tears, tears people will forget you cried, tears that came from a person that, to them, never existed
I actually like writing books in my free time, I am writing a book called "the devil's blessing, and how it is always a curse" that has more or less the same basic premise as ur power