Link woke up from a good nights sleep. His mother made him some nice hot bagels and his father told him brave stories of how he himself had saved Hyrule. When his father was done reminiscing and he had finished eating, ten year old link went to take a dump. Oh no, He pushed the poop out of his anus too hard, making all of his secret belongings like porn pictures of Saria and Zelda fall out of his anus crack. They all fell into the toilet. He had to get them, he couldn't let those sexy pictures of Zelda and Saria go to waste, there was jizzing to do. He thought of all of the jizz that could be done and he jumped into the toilet headfirst. To his surprise, the angle at which he jumped and also the speed had made him make a tear in the space time continuum and appear in Master Chiefs home. Everything was futuristic and he was shocked. He gasped and Master Chief was also surprised but he was able to pull himself together faster and use Links shock to capture him. Master Chief, not having any ladies to f**k, stuck his Master Dick in Links ass. Link almost died but he used the power of the Tri force to incinerate Master Chiefs Master dick. Master Chief was writhing on the ground. Link then said the secret chant, Hoss china cheese and he was instantly teleported into his house. He frantically went to his bathroom and saw that his father flushed the toilet. He screamed f**k and cried because all his pictures were gone. And then his father gave him a pedo smile and said, are you looking for these? They then proceeded to jack off all day long to sexy porn. Link, now 30 years old and bored of saving Hyrule and f**king Zelda, decided to go on an adventure of his own. Everyday he would wake up and still feel the rock hard super soldier dick of Master Chief penetrating his anus. The feeling never went away. Even though he had escaped from Master Chief and had incinerated his master dick he still felt there was revenge to be had. He went to his bedroom and grabbed his master sword and his quiver of arrows along with his other crap load of items. After he f**ked Zelda up the butt one more time and ejaculated all over her face he left. He went to the temple of time and hacked it so he could observe the speed and angle at which he had jumped to go to the realm of Halo. After listening to khan academy about using the laws of 3 dimensional physics to figure out angle and speed at which he jumped as a child he left on his journey to the temple. While back in time he made sure