welcome to the internet
have a look around
anything that little brain of yours can think of can be found
we have mountains of content
some better
some worse
if none of its of intrest to you-
youd be the first.
welcome to the internet
come and take a seat
would you like to see the news or any famous womens feet
no need to panic
this isn't a test, heh.
just nod or shake your head and well do the rest
welcome to the internet, which would you prefer?
would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur?
be happy!
be horny!
be bursting with rage!
we've got a million different ways to engage!
If Memes_cool fights for civil rights and i don't think anyone would tweet a racial slur, but NyehHehHeh might say "heck" with highly negative connotations.