yeah exactly. Let kids figure out what they think and don't tell them what to think. It's easy to manipulate kids into blindly following what you want by convincing them that they're a part of the "new wave" and they're rebelling against their parents' old ways of thinking. But if you look back in history, when has that ever ended well? This tactic was used to rile up the Hitler Youth and Mao's school programs.
I am by no means a traditionalist but I also don't think it's smart to throw out ideas bc they've been done before. Both ideas are stupid, but throwing out what has worked for humans for millenia just to be cool is a special kind of dumb. What's smarter is to weigh ideas based on how well they've worked out historically. If you're doing something that was used to install the third reich, the cultural or bolshevik revolutions, or the khmer rouge, it might be time to change course.