Now that the absolutely dumbest of all politicians, Sheila Jackson Lee, is dead there are a great number of contenders for the title. What's weird, though, is that they are all Democrats and all women.
Maxine Waters was the chairwoman of the congressional finance committee which prohibited banks from giving student loans in 2009 as part of the federal gov't takeover of student loans that was bundled with Obamacare. She asked the dumbest question in an attempt to "gotcha" bank CEO's. Now whatever happened to those student loans??
The Dem Party has outdone itself with a broad display of low I.Q. politicians in high level positions controlling or influencing vastly important issues. Every time one of them screws up the fanatically leftist loyal media outlets ignores it or calls a spoon a fork or yells, "Look a squirrel!"
Low I.Q. citizenry who vote for name recognition rather than for merit. Same reason why Cocaine Mitch McConnel kept getting re-elected endlessly . . . even though for at least the last decade it was clear to everyone that he was both corrupt and entering into senility.
Maxine Waters congressional district is Englewood, CA, which is adjacent to Compton, CA, mostly black population, unfortunately a very poor area with lots of gang violence and a low voter turnout.