It is true that I do not have him this time.
But I am not "the issue."
His Malignancy is the issue and he is hoist on his own petard.
If you have a 401(k), have you checked it lately?
Plus inflation is baked in the cake.... despite Trump's campaign promise that he would bring prices down on Day 1.
Mafia Don is so full of shit his back teeth are brown.
All Trump actually delivers to you and your fellows is raw meat to feet your fury, by making you feel like you're getting over on the Lib-tards.
Pride comes before a fall, and Trump has set himself up for a crashing tumble.
What has Agent Orange ever actually done to improve your life?
He didn't build the wall.
He didn't make Mexico pay for it.
He has done nothing to improve on Obamacare, although back in 2015 he said (and I quote): "You're going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost — and it's going to be so easy.” MAGA world has been suckered - stem to stern, top to bottom.
And mark my words, he will not deliver better healthcare, and he will not build The Wall.
But Trump is smart enough to know that his Base is stupid enough to applaud their own oppression.
Here's what I wrote to a conservative friend a few days ago:
Alan Archibald
Just as Trump supporters are becoming afraid that Trump‘s promised tariffs will not bring “trillions of dollars” into the treasury, but instead will trigger recession, y’all will soon realize that Trump’s $4 trillion tax cut aimed at multi-billionaires like himself (while simultaneously imposing all manner of austerity on Trump’s base) is simply unacceptable.
It is a fool’s errand to predict the precise timing of events, but I will bet you $1000 “even money” that the American economy goes into recession within the next two years.
I will also bet you another thousand dollars “even money” that inflation will not go down in the next two years.
And I will bet you another thousand dollars that Trump’s approval rating goes down by at least 10% between now and the midterms.
Finally, I will bet you $1000 that the party of Trump loses its House majority in in the midterm elections. (I am not as sure that Democrats will win back the Senate, but I am sure that no amount of “mangling truth by decontrxtualization” will keep his goose from being cooked.)