this is a VERY long story and i will try to summarize it. so we were sort of friends last year and so i was in her friends server on discord
POINTS OF CONFLICT (background information before recent conflict):
- other friends of mine would tell me she "led them on" and not long after, getting with someone else. i defended her at first but of course i had some personal opinions forming, especially personally seeing the interactions she had with mutuals who were guys
- she asked through a mutual friend to be in my close friends server and only my closest friends on here got in. i told him that i would like to get to know her more first before actually inviting her since i usually dont let anyone in at all, it was a fairly small group in the server and though many of our mutuals were in it it was because i talked to them more than her. i thought this was reasonable but she couldnt seem to grapple the concept and it came up several times in future arguments.
- i found her instagram in my recommended accounts, since a mutual already followed her. she accepted the request and she did request me back but it got lost in my hundreds of instagram dms. i also have different boundaries for who follows me and she could have removed me as a follower as well, but instead she went on to tell other people about it and how i was "creepy" and "stalking her on instagram".
- dumped a friend of mine then he complained abt it and suddenly claimed they were still talking. she then told me she was talking to two other guys and that he and her were broken up. not sure who to believe but then i started talking in my server abt my thoughts abt her which i admit i was in the wrong for. someone else screenshotted all my chats and started sending them to her and some were lwk out of context so it destroyed me trying to reasonably talk to her about it after she found out. i apologized
- she got with a different friend and i dont remember exactly what happened but she was still hanging around so i ended up blocking her on discord and imgflip and then the friend started telling messages to me from her