"We should all be familiar with the Left’s weaponization of words such as racist, conspiracy theorist, and misinformation. You can now add ones with Putin or Russia in the name, such as Putin Puppet, Russian disinformation, and Putin Apologist. They’re designed to brand people, avoid rational discussions, and shut down any true counter points that go against a narrative. It’s a form of thought control, as it not only hits the target of the name calling, it disuades others from speaking up for fear of getting hit with the same attacks.
Believe it or not, it is possible to dislike both sides who are fighting in a war, and it is possible to believe the costs of interfering far outweigh any benefits. Yes of course, Russia uses propaganda and disinformation, but does that mean Ukraine and Western powers don’t?! Zelenskyy has shut down media sources and has carefully crafted propaganda tours for useful idiot celebrities and Establishment politicians. The Biden Administration worked with Big Tech companies to censor and deplatform Americans on a mass scale. Countries throughout Europe are regularly arresting people for memes and mean social media posts. These are all reasons why it’s so important to rely on logic and common sense, as well as to learn concepts of history and human psychology."