“Well they always politely wait for me to finish my sentence before running and screaming, so I figured I would repay their kindness by giving them a few seconds extra before I shot them down.” O6’s words shot a chill through the trio, but the small tadpole remained unfazed.
“They don’t look like scientists, so they probably haven’t done anything wrong. They probably don’t even know what’s going on! Don’t kill them,” the tadpole sternly ordered.
“As is your command, Hoplash.”
Hoplash was about to say something back when the skeletal beast from before came into view. It screeched, and began to rush at the two groups, and O6 shoved Hoplash and the lizard creatures into the small closet with the trio of humans, closing the door as he prepared for battle. The door shut with a slam; more gunfire and screeching could be heard outside.
Everyone sat in the closet in silence, fear turning into a tense awkwardness that filled the air between them. The green lizard creature broke the silence, saying “Welp, I suppose that we should introduce ourselves ‘cause it looks like we’ll be here a while. I’m Sapliz!” He wrapped his arm around the grey lizard creature, bringing them closer together. “This is Coaliz, and you know Hoplash!”
Rika was suddenly beaming, glad to have a distraction from the horrors that could be awaiting them just outside. “I’m Rika, this is Ned, and this is Alain. We were supposed to be interning here, but that thing your robot friend is fighting attacked us at the end of our first day.”
All of them kept up a friendly conversation about what was happening. Apparently, Hoplash’s group had broken out of containment and freed many of the captive creatures throughout the lab, but then they released a few specimens that weren’t too friendly. Then they heard the shouting outside. “Somebody, help me! My friend is hurt, and I need to get them out of here.” It sounded like a young man, probably around Alain, Rika, and Ned’s age.
Rika shifted toward the door a little. “We should help them, they could be other interns that got attacked, like us!” she suggested. “They probably were just minding their own business. Before anyone could object, Rika shoved her way to the door, opened it and left shouting, “We’re right here! We can help you!”