“Guys, hurry up!” As Alain and Ned dragged their feet behind her, Rika practically sprinted, eager to start the day.
Ned and Alain were far less enthusiastic about the internship. “Rikaa..” Alain groaned. “It’s only nine in the morning. Not all of us get up and instantly have the energy to run a mile or two.”
Rika paused, running in place. “S-sorry, got carried away, y’know? Just can’t wait for this, I think I might just explode.”
Ned closed one eye, struggling to stay awake. “I think so too,” he muttered as he rubbed his eyes. They had finally made it to the entrance of the lab. The brick walls were obviously in a state of disrepair, ivy creeping up the walls like the slowest army of leaves about to ambush whatever’s at the top.
Alain blew out a huff. “So, what’s this run-down place got that has you so excited?”
Rika did an excited spin. “Well, we get to meet creatures from other dimensions. Didn’t you guys read any of the things I sent you? Tell me, what is this research program for?”
Alain shot a look at Ned, who answered, “They’re studying that weird space anomaly thingy. The Nexus. That. I think the website said they have magic there?”
Rika grinned, happy that someone at least knew what she was so excited about. “See Alain? Somebody listens to me. Yeah, so they’ve been studying that place for a while. It’s relatively new, only like four thousand years old. And we get to check out their research on it. Aren’t you guys hyped for this?”
Alain cracked his neck. “Yeah, seems a little interesting, at least. Dunno if ‘hyped’ is the right word for what I’m feeling right now, but I’m definitely not uninterested.”
The three of them walked into a large theater-like room, a professor standing on the stage, holding a tablet and tapping at something. “Ah! The rest of our interns! We can start now.” The professor smiled as he very confidently tapped something on his tablet. Nothing happened. Everyone stewed in the awkward silence, as the man on stage frantically tapped away, hoping for something to happen. At last, the screen behind him turned on and a slideshow flashed onto it.