Were YOU involved in Coercing the
Unwilling, or Vax-Hesitant people
to get CoVaccinated? You may be guilty
of Murder, or Accessory to Murder.
If found guilty, you may face up-to the
Death Penalty. Sentences are to be
carried out in the following order:; Marko; The Death Penalty will be dispensed
to the guilty, via injection of the
very mRNA gene-therapy killshot
that these people insisted on:
—First, the PRINCIPALS involved
in the Convid / ConVax Scam.
—Next, all of the DOCTORS who
told their patients, “Yes…Get It!”
—Then, every person who
pushed the plunger on the
—Mandate-makers: Employers
Educational Institutions.
—INFLUENCERS who yelled,
“Do your Duty - get Vaxxed!”
(Newscasters, “Comedians,”
Rich & Famous Actors/Sports
Stars, Internet Influencers).
>- Up to Life in Prison will be awarded to:
—any business owners who
DENIED ACCESS to the UnVaxxed.
—PARENTS who forced their
children to get shot.
—Anyone who personally SHAMED,
doxxed, insulted the UnVaxxed