HOW TO CALM DOWN A WOMAN; Sometimes when using the Faithful Four WHICH ARE:; "Calm down/Be calm now". "You sound like your mother". "You're being hysterical", and "Have you remembered to take your pill?"; You will in rare instances find that they don't work perfectly.
So we at The Patriarchy have discovered some physical
measures as well.
(Don't worry, my lawyer worked for Bill Clinton so he knows his stuff); 1. Beat her at Chess to humble her. This might make her horny, so be careful if it's your sister; 2. Toilet Privileges are for dignified Ladies; 3. Confiscate her phone, as she's probably seen something she can't handle; 5. Turn on the hose again; 4. Loosen her straight-jacket to show compassion; 6. Update your book on Exorcisms to make it Woke