So how Eggyhead's powers work
Eggy is a holy paladin and takes the quote "a grain of faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains" literally.
Eggy's strength grows or depletes depending on his faith in Christ. If he is extremely faithful, he becomes crazy powerful, almost as much as the Collector, but if his faith waivers too much, he becomes weaker, barely even superhuman.
Now, Eggy is a faithful Christian, so he most of the time stands at pretty powerful levels, but nothing too crazy. This also means you can't say "I don't believe in God" and he suddenly becomes fragile, but if you CAN really get in his head, he becomes weaker, and if you can do it enough, he becomes a lot less formidable.
However, he will deny some of what you're saying, after all he IS a Christian, but he still can be messed with. There are a few major ways you can get in his head like this.
1. Presenting a difficult dilemma involving his faith. For example, talk to him in-depth about a choice between God and something he holds very dear (like his family or close friends), the only thing is it can't be too obvious that that's what you're trying to do, because if he knows this he'll ignore it and won't become weaker.
2. Messing with his feelings. This can range from making him mad, to seducing him. Anything that can really distract him from his faith. Specifically about the last one, he does have two wives (ish cuz Peyton got dementors) and is also one of the most innocent creatures ever, so probably don't try that one unless you're freaky like that.
3. Pissing him off. Eggyhead is very calm and well tempered, but is not immune to anger. If you can find a way to get under his skin enough to make him HATE you so much he wants you dead, he will transform into a divine embodiment of rage and wrath. Notably, this is not Eggy. He literally becomes possessed by an extremely powerful angel that exists inside the Golden Egg (Eggy's power source). However, there is a small window of time where he is powerless. Literally as fragile as an egg. This can be taken advantage of, but be cautious doing so, as this could make him transform like I said before, and no matter how strong your character is, they don't want that.
Enjoy the balance patched Eggyhead