Am I?
Saying we're killing the planet so we have to take action to prevent that and so what if a quadrillion insects and a billion birds and who knows how many bats die per year in order to save life on planet Earth is something of a contradiction.
I went looking for small turbines like I had seen on some news story once about them placed on a building rooftop in the Bronx, but then came across this and found it interesting. At 18.5 feet tall, they're not that small, but they're at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation in Oklahoma City and they describe it as as the largest rooftop wind farm in the world.
Only read a couple articles about them, and other than being multidirectional in terms of catching the wind, I didn't see anything applying to minimizing the killing of living creatures. But from the looks of it, the way they're curved as opposed to big slicing, well, blades, the design does look like it would eliminate a lot of unnecessary deaths.
Same with solar panels on rooftops, as opposed to large solar arrays taking up fast acreage. I don't see birds littering the front yard of houses around here with solar panels on the roof, nor have heard of it.
Remember, the company's putting out these big vast killing machine farms are the same ones polluting the Earth already. Profit is their goal, not saving bugs. Perhaps a better approach to alternate energy is alternate methods of acquiring them, small and safer as opposed to industrial sized.