I'm still damned. Striving to love your fellow man, help the needy, respect women, protect children, honor family, work diligently, admit fault and leave the world a better place than you found it doesn't mean shit if you don't bend knee and kiss the ring. Part of my stance has always been that if you're right and I'm wrong, I'd much rather share eternity with all the independent minded, free-thinkers of history. Most of them are as decent as any theist.
Religion has no more dominion over morality than atheism has over reason. If my lifestyle, being happily married to a loving wife, earning my keep through honest work, cherishing my relationships with my friends and family members, not stealing, not lying, doing my best not to harm other people, makes me a sinner, then the only thing Christians can claim over me as far as virtue is their belief in god.
And if god condemns otherwise virtuous people to an eternity of torture simply for refusing to placate his ego, then god can kiss this particular one of his creations right between the ass cheeks.
All I'm saying is the idea that people are atheist because they refuse to give up a life of sin is an absolute fallacy, unless believing in god is the only virtue Christians care about.